Sony surprisingly unveiled the new DualSense PS5 controller recently. It is the first time that the company adopted a new dual-colour design for its PlayStation controller. The new DualSense controller will come with a black and white colour scheme with a sleek futuristic design. However, if you still do not like the colour, these fanmade mock-ups might just intrigue you as some of them are really awesome.
Not long after the unveiling, PlayStation fans around the globe started playing with the colour scheme of the new controller. They made mock-ups of the new design in several different colourways and each of them looks so much better than the real one.
One of the artists, @thefleshmonk, shared four images of the new controller, on Twitter (below), each with a new colour that replaced the white in the original one. The colours include yellow, black, red and blue and they all look quite bright and popping.
different color scheme mockups#dualsense #playstation5
— fleshmonk (@thefleshmonk) April 7, 2020
One Redditor, u/H4WK1NG, followed a similar colour-pattern as @thefleshmonk but threw some more colour options in the mix. The Redditor made 9 mock-ups of the controller which also include the one with the original colours.
[Image] Decided to add some color to the new PS5 Controller. What’s your favorite ? from PS5
Another Redditor, u/Doomster78666, took it another level by adding gradient colours to the DualSense controller. These colours went from a darker shade to a lighter one, going from the bottom of the controller to the top. These gradient colours look really cool on the controller, especially the blue and the purple ones.
My mockups for different color variations of the controller (be nice, I’m not that good at photoshop, I can mainly do color) from PS5
Now, all of the above colour-schemes replaced the white colour of the controller, leaving the accent colour as it is on the original one. However, one user on Twitter went the other way round by leaving the white and replaced the accent colour with a bright shade of pink instead of the mundane black. If you ask me, I think this one looks the best of them all.
Okay, but what if it was pink??
— Kaitlyn Molinas (@orcastraw) April 7, 2020
So, these were some of the fanmade colour-schemes for the new PS5 controller. I think each one of them looks really cool and Sony should definitely consider releasing the DualSense controller in different colour options.
What do you guys think? Let us know down in the comments.