Messaging app Telegram has said that it has now reached 400 million monthly users, which is a rise of around 100 million users in the last one year. At least 1.5 million new users register on the platform every day.
The company is also working on launching secure group video calls this year. Telegram, in a blog post, said, “Video calls in 2020 are much like messaging in 2013. There are apps that are either secure or usable, but not both.”
Telegram’s comments on the security of video calls come amid criticism directed at popular video calling app Zoom over security and privacy issues.
Zoom is facing a backlash as several security experts, lawmakers and security agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), have warned that its default settings aren’t secure enough.
Apart from the aforementioned announcements, Telegram has come up with a collection of new features.
It had introduced Quiz Mode to Telegram Polls so that users could flex their mind muscles. The company has upgraded quizzes with educational features. Telegram decided to add this feature after witnessing an increase of more serious educational tests and quizzes in recent weeks.
Users can now add explanations which appear when they respond to quiz questions. This feature will help them learn from their mistakes.
Telegram has also introduced a new directory to browse the 20,000 stickers available on the app.