Samsung Galaxy A50s debuted in India last year in September at a starting price of Rs 22,990. Months after release, the device received a price cut in February, which brought its price down to Rs 17,499. However, due to recent GST hike, the price of the device was again hiked, after which the phone's 4 GB RAM variant was selling at Rs 21,070 and the 6 GB model at Rs 26,900.
Weeks later, the Galaxy A50s has received another price cut. As of 4 May 2020, the 4 GB RAM variant of the smartphone is now priced at Rs 18,599, down from Rs 21,070. The higher 6 GB RAM variant is now selling at Rs 20,561, down by Rs 6,340.
Besides Galaxy A50s, Galaxy M21 has also received a price drop.
Due to the GST hike, the smartphone was priced at Rs 14,222 for 4 GB RAM + 64 GB internal storage variant and 6 GB RAM variant was priced at Rs 16,329. As per the latest price cut, the two storage variants are now priced at Rs 13,199 and 15,499.
The revised pricing of the two smartphones is now reflecting on the Samsung India website.
Just to make it clear, you can only purchase the smartphones after the Ministry of Home Affairs orders. The smartphone comes under the non-essential category and hence, the delivery of smartphones is not allowed as of now.
Samsung Galaxy A50s specifications
Samsung Galaxy A50s features a 6.4-inch full-HD+ Infinity-U Super AMOLED display with a 1,080 x 2,340 pixel resolution. It runs on Android 9 Pie and is powered by an Exynos 9611 processor. The smartphone comes in two variants — 4 GB RAM + 128 GB storage and 6 GB RAM + 128 GB storage. It houses a 4,000 mAh battery that supports 15 W fast charging.
On the camera front, the smartphone sports a triple camera setup at the back. This setup includes a 48 MP primary sensor, 8 MP ultra-wide-angle lens and a 5 MP depth sensor. On the front, there is a 32 MP camera for selfies.
Galaxy A50s comes with an in-display sensor.
Samsung Galaxy M21 specifications
The Galaxy M21 features a 6.4-inch Full HD+ display that has a 1,080 x 2,340 pixels resolution and 19:5:9 aspect y M21ratio. The AMOLED display features a waterdrop notch on the top just like Galaxy M31 (Review).
In the camera department, unlike the Galaxy M31, this one has a triple rear camera setup that houses a 48 MP primary camera, an 8 MP ultra wide-angle camera, and a 5 MP depth sensor. On the front, you will get a 20 MP front camera for selfies.
Galaxy M21 is also powered by Exynos 9611 chipset and offers up to 6 GB RAM and up to 128 GB internal storage. The smartphone runs on Android 10 and houses a 6,000 mAh battery with 15W fast charging support.