OnePlus launched its OnePlus 8 series in India this month at the starting price of Rs 41,999. And just weeks later, we are already seeing leaks about the next possible phone from OnePlus. According to rumours, the OnePlus 8 Lite smartphone that was earlier expected to launch along the OnePlus 8 series, will now launch in July and will be called OnePlus Z instead.
A tipster Max J shared an image on Twitter suggesting that the OnePlus Z will likely debut in July 2020.
(Also read: OnePlus 8 launched: Here's a look at the four things OnePlus did right, and five things it messed up)
— Max J. (@MaxJmb) April 28, 2020
Meanwhile, another leak comes with live images of the rumoured smartphone. As per the images shared by TrueTech, OnePlus Z is likely to feature a flat display and might house an in-display fingerprint sensor. The image also confirmed that the smartphone will feature a punch-hole display. As per the image, the front camera will sit at the top-center of the display.
As per a report by 91Mobiles, OnePlus Z is likely to house a 4,000 mAh battery that supports 30T Warp fast charging. The smartphone might feature a 6.4-inch full HD+ AMOLED display. The report adds that OnePlus Z is expected to come with a triple rear camera setup at the back.
To bring you up to speed, the OnePlus 8 series is expected to go on its first sale on 11 May in India. OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro are available for pre-booking on Amazon.