Realme recently announced that it will launch its Narzo smartphone series — Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A — on 21 April in India via an online event. On Sunday, the Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed that the supply of non-essential goods will not resume on 20 April. This is the reason Realme is considering postponing the launch of Narzo series.
The company was also planning to resume the sale of its smartphones from today (20 April) but due to the same reason, the sale of smartphones will also not resume today.
Realme's issued a statement on Sunday that reads, "We have noticed the update shared by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India. They have mentioned about the supply of non-essential goods by e-Commerce companies to remain prohibited during the lockdown. Realme was planning to start online sales of its smartphones from 20 April and launch its Narzo series on 21 April through e-commerce platforms. But bearing in mind the current order from MHA, we are evaluating the situation and decision about the launch of the much-awaited Narzo series and online sales of our other smartphones will be made by tomorrow. On principle aligned, people's health comes first at realme and we will follow the Government directives issued in best interests of the people."
Supply of non-essential goods by e-commerce companies to remain prohibited during #Lockdown2 to fight #COVID19.— Spokesperson, Ministry of Home Affairs (@PIBHomeAffairs) April 19, 2020
Realme has already revealed several details about the smartphones including their battery, design and colour variants. The smartphones were also teased on Flipkart which revealed that the series will sell exclusively on the platform.