Apple recently launched its much awaited "low-cost" iPhone SE 2 in India at Rs 42,000. Now, rumour has it that the company is planning to unveil affordable AirPods as soon as next month.
As per a tweet by JonProsser, tech analyst at Tech Front Page, a new pair of AirPods are expected to launch next month. He further added that these AirPods were scheduled to make their debut at the March launch event, but now are likely to be unveiled alongside a new MacBook Pro in May.
New AirPods (which were supposed to be at the March Event) are now ready to go.
Probably alongside the MacBook Pro next month.
— Jon Prosser (@jon_prosser) April 19, 2020
It is not yet clear if Apple is planning to launch yet another generation of AirPods or a successor of AirPods Pro that landed in India at a price of Rs 24,990. AirPods Pro Lite maybe?
However, Apple has not confirmed the name of the product, or even a launch date, or even hinted at the launch of a new product.
To recall, it is expected that this year's 2020 iPhone lineup might get delayed due to the global pandemic. It is expected that the lineup will include four iPhones this time, out of which the 5.4-inch and two 6.1 inch models are likely to be available in September, whereas the 6.7-inch model is expected to be unveiled in October.