Following PM Narendra Modi’s announcement to impose a nationwide lockdown for 21 days, Realme has decided to cancel its much-awaited Narzo series launch in India. Narzo 10 and 10A were to be unveiled on 26th March i.e tomorrow, with sales kicking off sometime in the near future. The company has already postponed its sales due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In an official tweet, Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth today said, “With respect to the announcement made by our Honourable Prime Minister yesterday, we have decided to suspend all upcoming launches including #realmeNarzo series.” He further adds that we currently need to stay indoors and work closely with local authorities to curb the spread of the virus.
With respect to the announcement made by our Honourable Prime Minister yesterday, we have decided to suspend all upcoming launches including #realmeNarzo series.
Time for us to focus on our family & ourselves. Stay at home, stay safe & cooperate with local authorities.
— Madhav 5G (@MadhavSheth1) March 25, 2020
For those unaware, Realme was set to launch a new youth-centric smartphone series in India tomorrow. Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A were going to tackle the budget segment with fresh designs and powerful specs. But, we already know that the phones will probably be refreshed versions of Realme 6i and Realme C3 Indonesian variant respectively. It means we can expect to see the first-ever Helio G80-powered phone to arrive in India soon.
Realme follows behind the likes of Vivo, who recently suspended all of its new product launches to focus on relief efforts in the country. We are on total lockdown for another 21 days, so we will have to wait until mid-April to learn the new launch date for Narzo 10 and 10A. It will also be interesting to see whether Xiaomi goes ahead with its Mi 10 flagship launch on March 31 amid the lockdown.