Samsung Electronics said on Sunday that it will introduce new, innovative devices in San Francisco on 11 February, with the electronics giant widely expected to unveil its new foldable phone and a new version of its flagship S model.
This means the company might be launching its Galaxy S11 (or speculated to be named as Galaxy S20) series next month. In addition to this, it is also possible that the clamshell foldable smartphone, expected to be named as Galaxy Fold 2 might also arrive at the event.
The move comes as the world’s top smartphone maker seeks to maintain its lead in the foldable phone and 5G phone markets, with rivals plotting a catch-up in the nascent, but growing segments.
“Samsung Electronics will unveil new, innovative devices that will shape the next decade of mobile experiences,” the South Korean firm said at an invitation letter. It said the event at 11 am Pacific time (12.30 am IST on 12 February) will be live-streamed.
The official invitation video of Samsung Unpacked 2020 revealed that it will be held on 11 February in San Francisco.
In a teaser image, Samsung hinted at two phones — one shaped like a square and another with a rectangular form. This time, it is expected that Samsung's foldable phone will be square-shaped and will fold just like Motorola Razr 2019, unlike Galaxy Fold.
To catch the live updates of the event, you can click on this page.
With inputs from Reuters