Ever since Xiaomi launched the Redmi 8A in India, it has been teasing the launch of another smartphone in the series — Redmi 8. Xiaomi already confirmed that it is hosting an event in India on 9 October in a tweet it posted last week, however, today, Xiaomi has also officially revealed that the device it is launching today is the Redmi 8.
In a tweet, Xiaomi India chief Manu Kumar Jain has posted that "we are set to launch #Redmi8 tomorrow!". The tweet also includes a small 22-second teaser, which reveals that the device will be scratch and splash resistant, and it will come with something called 'Battery Camera Action'.
Mi fans, we are set to launch #Redmi8 tomorrow!
This beautiful device is protected by the industry-best durability features.
I spot:
GG_ and
_2_ protection.Easy to guess isn't it? RT and comment if you know the answers. #Xiaomi ♥️ #Redmi pic.twitter.com/SHlb5V9ckg
— #MiFan Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) October 8, 2019
From what we know so far, the Redmi 8 will be the higher variant of the recently launched Redmi 8A. Previous teasers by Redmi India have also hinted that the Redmi 8 will sport a dual-camera setup at the rear and it will come with a large battery. Redmi 8A sports a 5,000 mAH battery, so we could expect something similar on the Redmi 8 as well.
Another recent report by 91Mobiles revealed that the Redmi 8 will likely feature a dot notch HD+ display with a 720 x 1,520 pixels resolution and 320p screen density. Further, it will reportedly come in two RAM variants one with 3 GB and the other with 4 GB. The report also revealed that the Redmi 8 might come with polycarbonate glass and a fingerprint scanner on the back. Latter is missing on the Redmi 8A.
The Redmi 8 is also expected to run on Android 9 Pie and might be powered by Snapdragon 439 SoC paired with Adreno 505 GPU.