For close to a year now, WhatsApp has been reported to be testing dark mode for the mobile application. We keep seeing a lot of screenshots from the beta version of the app, but for months now, something has been keeping WhatsApp from releasing the feature to the stable version of the app. However, the latest Android beta update has received a new option in the Settings indicating that the feature may finally be released to all users.
This was reported by WhatsApp beta tester WABetaInfo. Reportedly, in the latest Android beta version 2.19.282, a new section called Theme Settings has been added to the app settings. Under Theme Settings, WhatsApp users will have three options to choose from, one would be the Light Theme, which will be the usual white theme that we already see in the app.
Then there will be the Dark Theme, which is the much-awaited dark mode. And the third would be the System Default mode, which would basically be the same theme you have been using in the rest of your phone. Essentially, if you choose the latter, and you are running the dark mode as your main mobile setting as well, then WhatsApp will automatically switch to dark mode.
So it seems confirmed that WhatsApp is going to implement a "Night theme".
I have no idea why they continue to name it "Dark" 😮— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) October 7, 2019
Some users on Twitter that on the Android beta programme have also spotted the feature.
Gracias a @WATweaker
— jesus mt (@jesus3435) October 7, 2019
(Also read: How to enable WhatsApp dark mode on Android and iOS devices)
Separately, earlier this month, WhatsApp was also spotted testing a new 'Disappearing Message' feature, which would allow users to set a timer to their messages, after which the messages would be automatically deleted from the sender and the recipient's chat.