After launching the Redmi 8A in India last month, Xiaomi is now set to release the higher variant in the series — the Redmi 8. The Redmi 8's launch event begins at 11 am today, and it will be livestreamed on Xiaomi's own website and on a dedicated landing page on Flipkart.
Redmi India has been teasing the Redmi 8 for a few days now, and thanks to these tidbits, we already know that the smartphone will feature a dual-camera setup at the back, will be scratch and splash resistant, and it will come with something called 'Battery Camera Action'. Since it's an upgrade for the Redmi 8A, which comes with a 5,000 mAh battery, a large battery capacity can also be expected from the Redmi 8.
Redmi India has also teased a mirror-finish design on the Redmi 8. The same teaser also reveals that the Redmi 8 will sport a fingerprint sensor at the back.
Redmi 8: Expected specifications
A recent report by 91Mobiles revealed that the Redmi 8 will likely feature a dot notch HD+ display with a 720 x 1,520 pixels resolution and 320p screen density. Further, it will reportedly come in two RAM variants one with 3 GB and the other with 4 GB. The Redmi 8 is also expected to run on Android 9 Pie and might be powered by Snapdragon 439 SoC paired with Adreno 505 GPU.