Instagram is reportedly testing a new feature that would separate followed individuals and their posts into different categories, such as ‘Least Interacted With’ and ‘Most Shown in Feed’, based on activities in the last 90 days. The change is believed to have been first spotted by well-known reverse engineering expert, Jane Manchun Wong, who says the the grouping of accounts into different categories is part of Instagram’s plans to make the list of followed accounts “easier to manage”.
As can be seen from the screenshots posted by Wong, the feature will likely make things easier for users to free-up at least some of the clutter by only including posts from people they actually find relevant. It will also likely be a big help when you don’t feel like scrolling through an endless array of useless posts to find the few that actually matter. It will also given users the opportunity to unfollow a bunch of accounts at one go.
Instagram is testing to “group the accounts you follow to make them easier to manage”, such as:
“Least Interacted With” and “Most Shown in Feed” which are counted in the last 90 days
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) October 19, 2019
Do note that just because Instagram is testing the feature, doesn’t necessarily guarantee it will be rolled out for all. However, given that this might actually be an useful functionality for many users, there’s a good chance that it may, indeed, make it to the stable build sooner rather than later.
Meanwhile, even as some users are already upbeat about this feature, others are pointing out that the company is still not bringing back the chronological feed, which has long been the demand from many. Given that users are literally clamoring for the company to bring back the feature, it will be interesting to see if that happens any time in the near future.