India’s top network provider, Reliance Jio, today announced it’s going to offer free HD or 4K TVs, and 4K-enabled set-top boxes along with its upcoming broadband service’s annual subscriptions. The broadband network, called Jio Fiber, is currently under preview phase with over 5 lakh customers, will launch commercially on September 5. The company will offer plans from Rs. 700 to Rs. 10,000 with speeds up to 1Gbps. Jio said users will get premium subscriptions of top streaming services bundled with JioFiber plans. Plus, they’ll be able to watch select movies at home alongside its theatre release. developing…
India’s top telco to offer free 4K TVs with its upcoming broadband service
India’s top network provider, Reliance Jio, today announced it’s going to offer free HD or 4K TVs, and 4K-enabled set-top boxes along with its upcoming broadband service’s annual subscriptions. The broadband network, called Jio Fiber, is currently under preview phase with over 5 lakh customers, will launch commercially on September 5. The company will offer plans from Rs. 700 to Rs. 10,000 with speeds up to 1Gbps. Jio said users will get premium subscriptions of top streaming services bundled with JioFiber plans. Plus, they’ll be able to watch select movies at home alongside its theatre release. developing…