Just a day after announces its new OS, Huawei has just launched the first device through its subbrand Honor. The company launched a smart TV named Honor Vision which has a pop-up camera for some reason. The device is powered by Huawei’s new Honghu 818 octa-core CPU that comes with a new image-processing engine equipped. It supports High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDR), Super-Resolution, Noise Reduction, dynamic contrast improvement, auto color management, and local dimming. developing…For more gear, gadget, and hardware news and reviews, follow Plugged on Twitter and Flipboard.
Honor’s new TV runs HarmonyOS and has a pop-up camera
Just a day after announces its new OS, Huawei has just launched the first device through its subbrand Honor. The company launched a smart TV named Honor Vision which has a pop-up camera for some reason. The device is powered by Huawei’s new Honghu 818 octa-core CPU that comes with a new image-processing engine equipped. It supports High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDR), Super-Resolution, Noise Reduction, dynamic contrast improvement, auto color management, and local dimming. developing…For more gear, gadget, and hardware news and reviews, follow Plugged on Twitter and Flipboard.